Funded projects.

The CBI Booster has funded and supported the project below:

Circular Construction Co-Pilot

Circular Construction Co-Pilot

Concrete Structural Re-Usability

Concrete Structural Re-Usability

Baubewilligung Kreislauffähig

Baubewilligung Kreislauffähig

REUSE Yards – Harvest the Urban for Circular Re-Construction

REUSE Yards – Harvest the Urban for Circular Re-Construction

IWAH – Entwicklung einer industriellen Wertschöpfungskette für Altholz

IWAH – Entwicklung einer industriellen Wertschöpfungskette für Altholz

HuusHOCH – Aus Alt bau neu!

HuusHOCH – Aus Alt bau neu!

Refurbishing of Re-Use Steel

Refurbishing of Re-Use Steel

Netzwerk Zirkulär

Netzwerk Zirkulär

Fit for Re-Use:  The case for Steel Beams

Fit for Re-Use: The case for Steel Beams



Cyclopen masonry or how to give value to (mineral) quarry waste

Cyclopen masonry or how to give value to (mineral) quarry waste



Swiss Circular Construction Digital Ecosystem

Swiss Circular Construction Digital Ecosystem

Circular, low-carbon and price competitive floor slabs

Circular, low-carbon and price competitive floor slabs

Robotic fabrication of rammed earth elements

Robotic fabrication of rammed earth elements

Impact Printing

Impact Printing

Circular flooring system

Circular flooring system

Material data in greenBIM

Material data in greenBIM

Circularity in building technology engineering

Circularity in building technology engineering

Helvetization of the Madaster Database

Helvetization of the Madaster Database


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Circular Construction Co-Pilot

View Project

Concrete Structural Re-Usability

View Project

Baubewilligung Kreislauffähig

View Project

REUSE Yards – Harvest the Urban for Circular Re-Construction

View Project


View Project

IWAH – Entwicklung einer industriellen Wertschöpfungskette für Altholz

View Project

HuusHOCH – Aus Alt bau neu!

View Project

Refurbishing of Re-Use Steel

View Project

Netzwerk Zirkulär

View Project

Fit for Re-Use: The case for Steel Beams

View Project


View Project

Cyclopen masonry or how to give value to (mineral) quarry waste

View Project


View Project

Swiss Circular Construction Digital Ecosystem

View Project

Circular, low-carbon and price competitive floor slabs

View Project

Robotic fabrication of rammed earth elements

View Project

Impact Printing

View Project

Circular flooring system

View Project

Material data in greenBIM

View Project

Circularity in building technology engineering

View Project

Helvetization of the Madaster Database

View Project